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I’m not gonna tell anyone irl about my plan for my career so I’m writing it here. I’m a graphic design student. I can’t carry this course. Part of the reason why I can’t because I fear rejection. I’m in my last year right now. I don’t have any plan in the future. Learning graphic design is the third time I change my course. And from that experience, I think it’s better to prove myself to be capable of something first rather than planning to dive into it without testing my skill. After graduation, I want to improve my skill in illustration (I love this more than I love Graphic Design) and to learn about gaming. I won’t make it my career because I don’t want to plan. I just want to invest into something that I love rather than something I want to do because I want to succeed.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife
6 replies
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Hearty @hearty

If you need and education or career advice plz dm i m a education counselor from a reputed company.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife

Joy @joyforlife

When you don’t have a goal, just go with the flow. You’ll find a goal later. It’s okay. Don’t degrade yourself for that

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Thank you for your kind words everyone. I’ve been meaning to tell this to someone but I don’t want to tell it to people I know irl. The responds I’m getting are so heartwarming and motivating. You listen to me so well. I hope good things come for all of you. 💖

Hearty @hearty

If you need and education or career advice plz dm i m a education counselor from a reputed company.


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