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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaithu

chaithu @chaithu

Im not going to be silly and say i cant breath without you , but with you around my heart beat and everything else is calm and soothing.

I am not going to be flirty and tell you how you look ,
But im gonna make sure you know what your presence makes me feel like .

Im not going to be romantic and tell you how much i love you , but some part of me Is going to love you and want you for the rest of my life , from a silent corner.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @admire_life
Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaithu
14 replies

That’s so thoughtful of you. Hope you end up with him/her.🌻

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaithu

chaithu @chaithu

Haha , no way 😂😂 now i just wanna be alone , nobody wants me and nobody loves me , and im pretty good with myself


No dear. You are worthy of someone. Don’t think like that. You just didn’t get right people around you. And tell me you wrote this?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaithu

chaithu @chaithu

Yes i did , everything i post is of my own writings


And yeah, if you are good with yourself, it’s great too.


Nice writing. Keep going💗

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaithu

chaithu @chaithu



Can I copy paste it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaithu

chaithu @chaithu

Sure , just FYI , You can find more at my IG handle and you can take anything you like from there✨


I just deactivated my id

Profile picture for Now&Me member @admire_life

I definitely feel this 🥺♥️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaithu

chaithu @chaithu

Glad to hear it ❤️✨

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