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I’m mentally drained. I’m dating a guy who is next level insecure and tries to control me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rahuljadhav
19 replies

Wht make you still date him ?


She might have no option.


Cause I love him and till 4-5 months we dated he didn’t show me this side of him or I wouldn’t have dated him in the first


Sorry I may sound rude but 4-5 month dating doesn’t show you every side of person!

try making him understand what you feel


Yes, it’s true. I’m the same be it 2 months or 2 years so I thought people are like that too but apparently not. I’ll have a talk w him.


Yeah I hope so everything gets sorted bw you guys


Thank you & I wish you the best too🌸

Sanket @sanket

Insecurity comes from experiencing hurtful events
Give him assurance
There exist a person on the other side of the tunnel who is beautiful you need to get through the tunnel somehow


I’ve done it all. I compliment him daily. He was really insecure about his looks. I’ve taught him maths and English cause he was too weak in that. Bought him gifts, treat him the best and reassures him all the time.

Sanket @sanket

Dont do such things frequently, instead make him earn ask these.
When he puts efforts and produce results, reward him.

Try to make him perceive things in a different manner, as in her shall not be bothered or much bothered by three external factors

Be clear and transparent with him, so even if he makes mistakes, schools him for that.

Help him grow stronger, don’t just validate his feelings eventually this will damage may more


I guess you should talk with him, that’s the only option… Clear each others doubts or misunderstanding and tell him that if you have any problems with your ongoing relationship


I’ve done that. He feels like him trying to control me just because he’s insecure is the right thing and what I tell him he barely tries to understand that.


Try to help him too if there is any sort of help he requires or suggest him, if you are also not in the state to help someone.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rahuljadhav

Rahul Jadhav @rahuljadhav

Leave him girlllllllll


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