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Profile picture for Now&Me member @cf

FerretKing @cf

I’m lowkey in love with my nonbinary friend…we’ll call them King! cause that’s their username online and stuff…I’ve liked them for a year now and they were dating someone but they broke up like…5 days ago and I bought King! flowers…but like…I’ll never give them to King! cause King! just broke up with someone they really liked and I don’t wanna be disrespectful but like…I feel so awkward and uncomfortable around King! cause I’m like totally falling for them…any advice on how to chill out? and ya know…not be weird around someone you like? keep in mind me and King! are like…best friends so it’s not like we’re strangers.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @cf
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @cf

FerretKing @cf

also, we went as like friends to dance…and like…we bought each other flowers and I didn’t think they were buying me any…I just wanted to get them some flowers…but like…while waiting they asked if I wanted to sit on their lap and I was like “uh-…umm…sure why not?” cause I didn’t wanna be weird…so…yeah…we have had some weird experiences together…I asked for love advice and King! pinned me to the wall and said I should do that…


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