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I’m lost my pet today tears aren’t stopping yesterday was all good and today this thing happened
I think there is no happiness in my life

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt
3 replies

Don’t get sad 🥺 I know it is difficult. When you lost a pet 🥺🥺
But everything thing will be good.
Don’t stress about it and I know when we lost a pet we loose everything.
But I think you should start finding happiness in your own it will help you. Now it is pet but if it is a person then it will hurt us more. So make your happiness on your own. Don’t make someone you happiness other people only add your happiness don’t become your happiness. You can write journal. It will help you 😊😊
Best of luck 😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

Don’t feel that way
I know loosing a pet is a big loss but it’s life and death is a part of it


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