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Im literally sobbing right now. I just realized the reason of all my problems right now. The reason no one stays with me more than a month or the reason I always give my very best but still didn’t work out. Its always the same. I realize that It was me that was the problem. The reason no one stays with me because I pushes them away. The truth is…I’m a suicidal person and I believe if I turned 28 I have to do the unthinkable. I already put it in my to do list. So that’s why I pushes them away I’m afraid that I will just make them suffer in the future. The other reason of why I seem to chase love is because I never love myself. I tried everything by being caring and thoughful… by being a good girlfriend but I still think that were not compatible. I also have high expectations of my past partners making them look like not real people. I dreamed about being in a healthy relationship like in movies when the problem is in me and I just want to be loved. Someone who can understands my silence. I dont tell my problems to my family and even closed my friends…I find it hard to put it into words. Maybe they’re right that Im too much to handle. It just hit me all of a sudden that this was all my fault. I never knew it was this bad to the point I also hurt their feelings too. I dont know anymore. It just hurts. I hope this kind of pain will go away soon…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tanu_shree
6 replies

Aditya @its_adi

Time will heal everything…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tanu_shree

Tan3 @tanu_shree

U need to talk with people about ur prblms
If ur 4nds Or family doesn’t understand that then take professional help
Coz in life
U will need speak up
No body is perfect no one can understand u if u don’t speak up

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tanu_shree

Tan3 @tanu_shree

And stop crying ( virtual hug)
I was once like u too :)
Make a list of thgs tht u want from life and make steps for achieving them

TANISHPREET @tanishpreet_s

Same happens with me always.
Why not we both connect?

Niraliba @niru__8

Hey friend just start believing that people are actually good.when you are not able to love yourself you will end spreading hate…start by forgiving yourself for being harsh on you.keep smiling 🥰

Ammu @ammu123

You just realised what your problems are. If you know your problem you soon know solutions too. Just be patience and work on what needs to be done. Love will happen naturally no one can stop it. Neither you nor the other person. When that happens, with past experiences you know what exactly to do and what not. All the best.


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