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I’m literally feeling so lost and lonely. My best friend has been acting weird and finding excuses to stay away from me and I have no one to turn to. A few months ago after a break-up, I fell into a dark space that I feel I am heading into right now. I dont know if I should tell my parents but to be honest I cant be bothered anymore. I hate myself everyday please help.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sdfgh
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If your parents are understanding, share it with them. They will help.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sdfgh

I can understand you totally, but if certain people doesn’t want to stay in your life better let them go. Breakups are harsh I’m also going through one but I would just sugggest to be patient with yourself and take one day at a time and yes it gets lonley during such times but ask for help if your parents are supportive and always remember this too shall pass. Take care.


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