Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Im kind of good
I recently broke up with my boyfriend cause i kind of felt lowkey left alone when i needed him.i gained my confidence and communicated with him he was ok with that. But the look on hus face when i communicated my probs with him still makes me feel guilty as hell. Can anyone help me out what to do

3 replies

Why are you feeling guilty about that. Sharing what you feel isn’t wrong at all dear and if he doesn’t understand what you feel then what’s the point. Infact it’s good and our heart feels better when we talk everything out. Just please don’t feel guilty about it. I am a girl and I felt that too before but now I think it’s worthless feeling guilty about it and regretting it. You are not wrong at allllll. So just relax and don’t feel bad about it and cheer up girllll. You deserve the besttt✨




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