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Shivam Ahuja @shivamahuja

Im kind of confused on what shall I focus on. I know I only am the best judge, but wanted a bit of advice.
I have too much on my plate.
- Have my CA exam in 2 months (MAIN TASK) - I dont enjoy studying for this, but have to study really hard. Importance of education, family, office, etc.etc
- Have to stay consistent on YouTube. Channel is 27k subscribers and if i give a break, the hardwork would go wasted
- Need to amp up and stay consistent on my fitness routine
- Need to start the reading, meditation habit
- Need to go to office from 9-5. (articleship)

Mind says to just study and leave everything. But i really dont know.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @simranpatel
9 replies

Rohan @rohan


I m facing similar issue

Gaurvi Narang @gaurvinaran...


Wow you seem really talented and focused! you are on the right track and you have understood the importance of the things that are right for you. Don’t lose sight!

Gurjeevan @gurjeevan


See just do a bit of meditation and it will really help you gain focus on whats important and will help you balance things. Don’t lose hope just plan things . Planning is the key. You don’t need any motivation here. You’re really self motivated much more than you know. Someone who is doing all these things has immense potential. Just regain of your vision back will help you achieve everything.All the best!

Shivam Ahuja @shivamahuja


Thanks for the responses! Touched my heart! :)Giving me the direction. Thanks


Dear Shivam,Β 
The dilemma is real, as much as I want you to not miss out on anything I feel like now is the time to prioritise your preference. If YOU know that you need to do the CA exam, because we all know how hard it is, you may have to sacrifice something. You may have to sacrifice your sleep or socialising or any other thing that you think you can skip out on in order to be able to manage everything together, be it your YouTube Channel, articleship, meditation. I think number it down, 1,2,3,4 then allot time, then see what can be worked out feasibly. If you think you’ll need to be AWOL for a few months, then that’s okay, if YT is just your passion, if you don’t intend to grow/monetise/make this your career then this can wait, so dive into this only if you aim to do it professionally. Your career is crucial, so give your 100% to whatever you think that is going to be.


How about you keep one day in a week for your YT channel to create content for the entire upcoming week? And the rest of the 6 days you can focus on your studies? You won’t feel stressed if you have content ready.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @simranpatel

Simran Patel @simranpatel


You surely have a lot on your plate. Irrespective of how you prioritise studies and work, make sure you don’t skip your workout and meditation. After all, health comes before everything. Good luck! :)


Bro…! I wanted to study CA but I couldn’t because of my family problems. My uncle is CA, and he is working as CFO for a reputed company. He is having all the high end cars of almost all luxury brands. You are lucky atleast you are not doing engineering like many. Just motivate yourself, dream about how your life style will be once you’ll clear CA exam. That should make you study hard.


hey …kaise gya exam…hope it went well…curious to know…reply pls…


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