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Profile picture for Now&Me member @not_jasmine

Loreal πŸ’› @not_jasmine

I’m kind of at a moment right now where I just don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know why I’m doing anything. I’m not like depressed just off. Like I feel detached from what I’m doing. I want to feel motivated to do things with my life.

Another thing not related to this. I’m the black sheep of my family. I’m the only non-Mexican child in the household (step-mother), I don’t play sports but I’m 5’6.5" so a relatively good height, and I am just the one who has something wrong with them. I always get remarks like you WERE such a good kid, or you WERE so cute and obedient. Or they will always ask to do play sports like your siblings. That hurts being compared. Also, my sister is beautiful and my brother is cute (even ladies from hooters said so) and I’m just there like ehhhh. Love being different :D

Also, I have this other side of the family that I barely communicate to. Sorry guys, still love you though! Just don’t want to be a disappointment when they meet me :D

Profile picture for Now&Me member @not_jasmine
3 replies

Lake @ann44


Oh…it happens to me . feeling detached ☹️

Rishi v @xx_rishi


I think you are the cutest 🌟🌟🌟

Profile picture for Now&Me member @not_jasmine

Loreal πŸ’› @not_jasmine


Aww, thanks!
Glad to hear the compliment :D
I think you are quite sweet πŸ’•


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