Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I’m just here to share my story. 8 - 9 years back I have met one guy through some app. We talked daily either by messages or calls. We become so closer and one day he said he likes me, the thing is I too like him but I didn’t exhibit the same because I’m afraid of my future. My parents won’t agree to love marriage so I don’t want to hurt him in future.
We continued to talk and I also mentioned him the same about what is in mind about future. We stopped talking with each other many times in between. The breaks are like from days to years. We met first time in the airport after 4 years of knowing each other and later he came to the place where I’m staying for job because I expressed my love to him. But I’m staying with my relative where he came to meet me without informing me. So my mind went to different thoughts.,
I want him but I don’t want to hurt him. So I decided to stop hurting him in future by hurting him now. We separated and stopped talking but my love for him is same till today…

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