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I’m inlove Again🙈, So today we gathered up at school so we can help the teachers clean around the school, I arrived early and it was like 6:10 in the morning and otw to our classroom i saw My loner classmate (andrew) at the corridor just staring at the forest so i planned to tease him a little so i sneak up behind him and hugged him and damn he smells Good, he turned around and was quite shocked after knowing who am i and asked me “You ok?” i said “no” cause i wanna know what he gonna do and then he pulled my head to his chest🙈 and he sighed and said “Fine you can stay like this a little and feel free to tell me what happened to you later.” after hearing that, rather than laughing and telling him it was just a joke i actually felt Relieved and calmed after hearing that so i hugged him even tighter he starts patting my head gently and i feel the every single beat of his heart, i thought he was panicking or nervous but the beats of his heart is normal, not even beating fast(while i felt like mine is about to get out of my body💀) after like 2 minutes i removed my hands around him, looked at his eyes and idk why i asked him this but i asked him “Are you single” and i started blushing and panicking after saying that he said, “since i stand no chance to girls and no one likes me, Yes i am.” i’m so out of my mind for saying “I’m relieved” 🤦‍♀️he just giggled i said “can we start dating?” he answered to me “no, atleast not yet😁, it’s not that i don’t like you, i’m actually interested in you but, i wanna know more about you before we can do it, so can you wait for it?” i said “yes, just keep your promise and don’t look for other girls, just me get it? Dummy!” and he grabbed my hand and said “don’t worry, i’m already yours😁” we kept talking asking more about each other until our classmate around and after 3 of our classmate arrived hw said “pretend like we’re not close” i said ok and he became a loner once more until the we went home but he’s observing me until we went home… I’m so Happy today and i wish he became my husband 😖

5 replies

Awww… This is soo cute… You guys will be together and happy with each other… I wish you well…


Awwww, I wish someone love me the same way.

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Yeah i even thought that everything that happened was just a dream😭

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