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I’m in pain…

28 replies

Wanna talk about it?


I’d love to


What’s bothering you dear?


I just don’t know how to let my feelings go
And i know that it sounds soo stupid but
I just want to be loved but with her i’m not feeling like that
And at the same time i’m so attached and i just don’t know how to let her go of my life…srry for the mistakes but english is not my first language and yeah


I’m sorry you’ve to go through this. Your feelings are valid, there’s nothing that you should feel stupid about. See sometimes relationships are all fun and love, but things get difficult too. If you feel that you are investing yourself in this relationship and not being loved, you should talk to her about it. Try telling your feeling and be vocal for what exactly you seek from this relationship. If things doesn’t work, I suggest you choose yourself, because you deserve an ocean full of love and if the person you are with is not ready to give it to… then you should never fear walking away.


She never shows me anything
Because of her previous relationship and now i just have to wait for some random days that she shows affection
And she takes me for granted and it’s so sad…
I’ve always wanted her to be happy but evry time when we argue she tells me again and again that i’m not what she needs…and at the end she apologise for that but at the next time she says it again…and that hurts me so much


Well, only to understand better… would you like to share if you and her have come out…? I see that you have put a lot of yourself in this relationship but it’s pretty painful. If you think this is costing your mental health, and even after talking things are not working… then I guess the best thing for you is to break up. It’s not easy, but you are clearly seeing the red flags and I don’t think you should ignore them.


Yeah you are right
But it’s just that when i finally starts to think about break up she is just the cutest and the most loving person and then she is treating me like this
And idk how exactly to tell it but
I just don’t wnat to lose her


I feel you. It’s difficult. May be before you take a decision try talking to her about how she makes you feel, and what exactly you feel in situations like this. I hope she will understand. Be hopeful. Either way things will work for good.


Yeah you are right
Thank you so much for the time that you take to replay to me<3


Lets talk about it?


I just don’t know how to handle my feelings anymore


Take one feeling at a time, take one moment at the time, take one day at a time. It has helped me. Whats the one feeling that pops in your mind now?


It sounds stupid but i’m in pain because of my gf…i’m a girl too and idk how exactly to express my feelings right now but it’s just soo hard
I’m the only one who cares in this “relationship”
And for some time i just want to let my emotions for her go away but it’s soo difficult


Yes, emotions just dont go away. Maybe writing a letter to that person helps. Its hard to express it, but when written down feels sooo much easier.


I’ve tried to tell her all of my emotions but she just doesn’t understand and now i’m so sad and it’s getting worse for the past few weeks


Does she not feel the same way about you?


She makes it look like she do but i’m not sure about that


Then I think you should ask her. Living with the truth is better than living in doubt right? I would ask her and live with whatever they reply was, atleast then you’d know you have to move on, but it seems like you’re stuck in the moment.


I’ve asked her so many times
And she always tell me that she loves me
But at the same time when we argue she tells me that i’m not what she really wants and yeah


Then I think its upto you now to decide what is more important to you. Maybe give it some more time.


Yeah…but i’ve given soo much time and effort and at the ends i’m in pain and she just doesn’t even want to check up on me


You know what I do when people dont care about me? I move away for somedays. They always reach out to me if they really care. Maybe try that.


I’m trying to do that
But I’m getting sad when i see that she is talking to someone else and she doesn’t even reply to me when i text or call
I don’t want to sound toxic but it makes me feel sad


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