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I’m in a surprisingly good mood today. Hope no kid on the bus ruins it by screaming when he sees me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soap2
18 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @soap2

ritik Lavania @soap2


Do people care about you so much?
Well , if they do , you are lucky !


They ddont care about me. They pay attention to me. It’s hard not to pay attention when looking at someone whose face has a huge scar which deforms it terribly. All the attention is unwanted. It’s not care: its fear and disgust.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soap2

ritik Lavania @soap2


Well then we both are kinda same.
I suffer from socal apathy.
They look at me with disgust and I get even more conscious and act abnormal.


The thing I hate the most is when people try to put themselves in the same boat as me to try and empathise. Its obvious you cant understand me, I dont need your sympathies so stop trying sympathise with me by showing some fake solidarity. I had a look at your profile picture. You look absolutely fine. Even if you didn’t, I couldn’t care, because this world is an unfair place.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soap2

ritik Lavania @soap2


I hate when people don’t believe in synergy.
I hate it when they are so narrow minded that they judge people even when their not even capable to take care of their own identity.
I even hate it when they behave like they just care about themselves.
I hate it when they behave like animals and not humans.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soap2

ritik Lavania @soap2


they are*


First up, I doubt the fact you want to synergize with me. Im sorry if you do. Jk, youve made it amply clear that you hate me. Second, why would you assume I’m not able to come to terms with my own identity? A brave assumption made by the man who wants to synergize with someone. And yes, I lack all empathy as far as you are concerned. If you had some genuine distress I’d be more than happy to comfort you, but since that really isnt the case and you just have a bunch of misconceptions about me, just like everyone else, I couldn’t care less.


I really don’t understand why you would call me an animal, considering they exhibit more concern for others than I do.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soap2

ritik Lavania @soap2


That’s what I was trying to say.
You can’t judge me by my DP.
Also , to behave like a human you need to be empathetic.
Do you know what happened to me last night?
You don’t , right?
Still you assumed that my life would not as problematic as you.
Rather than raising voice against people who are trying to help focus on something good.
Don’t waste your time.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soap2

ritik Lavania @soap2


You better know it , stacy or chad.
Watch yourself in the mirror and you will get the idea .
Mirror never lies.
Well , that scar?
Add me somewhere on social media and I’ll show you what scars look like.
Stop being a pretentious being .
Anyways , peace , if not I don’t care if a person like you stays behind and lack all the values.


How did you get your scars?


I’m clinically a sociopath. I cant really help that.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soap2

ritik Lavania @soap2


I am a born psychopath.
At least , you can help yourself .
I can’t I was born with these traits.
I can just keep them at the back of my head.
You just need good treatment from the society and you will be alright.
Fir a good treatment , behave like a good person.
Even if they put you down everytime.


A psychopath tried to empathise with me. Crazy. Anyway, my sociopathy was caused by a shard of glass which 4ipped through my cranium and damaged my frontal lobe. You think that’s reversible?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soap2

ritik Lavania @soap2


Well , for that you need to browse Reddit.
All the best.


How’s it going?


Fine so far


Glad to know that…btw it’s not that i had no job…but i was reading the comments… i get it how irritating it becomes when people try to sympathize when they don’t even truly know what we are in… and it’s even more irritating when they start comparing it with their own things… 😬


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