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I’m in a different country rn and I’m taking classes from another country because of some work. So there is a girl in my class who has gotten on my nerves she always says that I don’t respond and I probably leave the class on, but I don’t do that!!! it’s so hard to attend classes from a different country that a has a huge difference in the timeline and the network is so bad so can’t really unmute and tell the teacher about this :( Even tho I have told that girl about this but she does this behind my back.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aprajita09
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @aprajita09

aprajita @aprajita09

You can write an email to the teacher.and cc it to the admistering branch of the university this comes under bullying so u can approach anti ragging committee too.




just inform the teacher,why do you have to depend on another person,if you need something you gotta do it,dont depend on anyone.


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