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I’m honestly so tired. I am so mentally exhausted. Even if I do try my hardest, and is just an absolute burn out, i’m not even half as good as other people. I try my hardest, and I still get talken down to. I don’t know how I can impress others anymore. I have even hide my personality to the point where I ended up not even having a personality. I just can’t make it through life. Everything seems too hard for me to do. My whole body hurts, and in everything, I struggle. There’s nothing i’m good at. I’m just some kid trying their hardest but never being able to make it to the better things. I don’t even know how i’ll survive once I grow older.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @allenindison
Profile picture for Now&Me member @crystalclara
3 replies

The problem is seeking any validation. Other problem is trying to be part of society. You be you kid, nobody else gets to decide.

Work hard and just be your self.

Nobody, nobody, is more important than your own self. Get detached. And then come back and love your family but even their validation shouldn’t matter.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @allenindison

Allen @allenindison

@happythought. Nobody seen the future. What will happen next. What is yours past don’t cry for it. Focus in yours Present check yours fault again & again . Practice it till you Complete yours works properly. & you will result as you wanna.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @crystalclara

Just know you are doing what you can and however small that is. It is enough you have worth by just existing on this planet. That was something my sister said to me when i feel like that.


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