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3am ThoughtsThought


I’m having severe separation anxiety when I’m away from my partner…it’s soo hard there are times I keep crying for a week or so…there are times I just wanna breakdown soo badly but I try and hold it together…even when I’m with him i feel down cause I’m gonna go away soon…and on the day of leaving i cry soo badly and keep crying for many days…no one seems to understand what it feels like…😖😓

5 replies

It’s okay it happens, you love your partner so much that’s it. See when you are with him you are worried half of the time that he’ll have to leave, and because of this you aren’t enjoying the moments with him, the time spent with him at that moment, it matters so much. You’ll have to start enjoying these moments, they are worth it. Tell your partner how you feel, he’ll try to understand. But you’ll have to try to not worry, I know it’s hard, it’ll seem impossible but start with little things. Take the distance between you positively, let’s say that the distance will make your bond stronger. Just start trying little things.


I do not know how to help you with this.
But maybe try not to think about leaving him. When you are with him just enjoy the moments.
I know it’s easy for us to say stop worrying and enjoy the moments and I do acknowledge that it’s difficult for you to get away from those thoughts.

You know I had a best friend. We would not get much time with each other like we had classes and office etc. So we used to meet after classes for 5-10 mins and sometimes I used to leave early from office and try to meet at her office. You see the time which we used to get was not much but I used to look forward to it and enjoy them.


Yaa i know I have to enjoy the little moments…but I just can’t bring myself upto it…I’ve had this since childhood…from parents,to best frnd,to my lover i have been dealing with this shit for a long time…makes me wanna give up on life sometimes…
Happy to know someone understands 😊


I know sometimes we feel like giving up on life… even I felt too but it’s not the solution. We need to keep trying and make ourselves better. Try working on yourself. If it feels too much to you then if possible take help from therapist or if you don’t want to then try to look for how to help yourself to get out of these thoughts.

Nisha N @nishacool

I was a little like this… but only realized later my partner wont keep thinking of me always… he’s busy in his own world… when u don’t have anyone else in life, this is hoe u feel. Go get some other friends


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