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I’m having severe period cramps from today morning. I cried the whole day, haven’t eat anything from the morning… this particular scenario is quite normal for me as I live alone but currently I’m at home still nobody came to me to ask if there is something wrong with me… I even tried to tell my mother (even with tears) but she refused to listen… It hurts… it fuckin hurts… I’m suffering from anxiety and depreciation but not having any medication. Now living at home feels like living in hell. Feels like I’m a looser failed to make friendship… failed to make good relationship with parents… messed up love life… bad education life… and what not

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sris
Profile picture for Now&Me member @cureplace
16 replies

Hey buddy, Here for you.

I know it’s hard for you. Please don’t be negative


Thank you… but there is no positivity left in my life

Profile picture for Now&Me member @cureplace

Hope @cureplace

I know it’s hard, you are having wfh?


Don’t think that you failed to make friends. I can be your friend let’s chat. And you are too strong to post this. You are really strong ❤️


Thank you ❤️

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Be brave everything will be fine 👍


Nothing gonna be fine. they’ll never change. I have move out of the house asap

Moon Gill @money19901511

Prayer for your life


Thank you


Connect with @pushkar254 he will help you, helped me a lot


I’m using this app for the first time today and figuring out how it works… like when I’m trying to connect it’s not happening


What is your id i will tell him to connect


Or at top right there is search icon click and type @pushkar254 to find him and send connection request

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sris

Srishti @sris

For period cramps you should take some paracetamol it helps and doctors adviced to have it if the pain is too much.

Shreya Sharma @shreya9987

I know talk to your parents just be positive. You are not alone it’s your mind set which makes you think that you r alone. You should tell your friends or family about what you are feeling from inside because what matters alot is your inside feeling. So instead of thinking that you are alone think like atleast you are having family they are handling all your expenses fulfilling all your wishes…


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