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I’m having really really bad anxiety and depression and I’ve been hiding it from my boyfriend bc i have 2 different voices in my head one that says u need help and go to him and the other says no he will only see that ur broken.

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I just really want to tell him bc he does notice when I’m not being myself just idk how to sometime explain what in my head bc i have a hard time understanding it myself.

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Thank you ☺️ for talking to me it made me feel better about going to him.

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Satyam Agarwal @satyaa

You should communicate with your partner to be honest, I’m going through the same thing actually my girl and me we’re in a lond distance rn anxiety and shit makes it hard and overthinker kills if you know, I just communicate I started communicating about this with her she understands and she gives me reassurances, the only thing you need rn is communication with your guy and try self validation and self regulating your emotions ngl Because if you’ll be dependent on him it’ll be bad and trust me you don’t want to go there, just try the self validation thing you can learn it youtube and stuff it’ll be helpful.


Thank you and im not depending on him i just want to tell him what is going on so he knows. there is really only 2 people I really trust with this stuff and hes one of them. So i just want to be able to talk about it to someone i know if that makes since.


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