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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought


I’m going through a lot right now. Failing in every exams. Trying to focus on study but get distracted easily. Have fear of being a big failure in the future. Want to go to medical school, but my results… my cousin and friends are getting the most best grades in the school. I’m right here trying not to miss school but end up staying in my room for most of the time. Mom is getting mad at me for not doing houseworks. Mom is sick and have pain everywhere. But i can’t do much to help her. I’m such a bad daughter. But i really am going through a lot. I want to be a good daughter. i want to make my parents proud at least once. But i can’t. There is no one for me. No one tells me that i can do this. But all they do is point out my mistake. I just want to disappear.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kjtj
3 replies

Things take time, you have enough time to make your parents proud

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kjtj

KJ @kjtj


Wishing u strength and the best for you ✨


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