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Personal GrowthThought


I’m going for my first ever session of therapy and I’m sorry to my therapist 🤣.
Because to me ? She’s just a stranger I want to release my bottled up thoughts on.
I’m not really sure about the therapy part tho.

8 replies

Why to spend money when u have us here…you betrayed us😩😩


Therapy is free in my school🤣


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Hope Hellen @hope_hellen

I’m jealous you have cash for therapy man😂😂I had to read all the mental health issues understand them on my own through Google and YouTube… And start self therapy… But keep it up man… You have a chance to get therapy use it well and make sure you grow… We here for you too.

Hope Hellen @hope_hellen

I had to self diagnose my self 😂😂😂 and treat myself, and walk myself through… Rough ride thou😂😂😂 damn!

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Hope Hellen @hope_hellen

Yooo man … That ain’t cool man… You actin shady asf fam😑 you need to delete that shit or apologize…


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