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Coming OutThought


I’m gay. I know I’m gay. 100% lesbian. And I want to come out to my parents, but it’s not like I’m going to be dating anyone anytime soon, so what’s the point? I just really need to get it off my chest. Then again, I’m only in 6th grade. What do I do?

3 replies

Shashidhar @shashidhar117

Hey buddy! There is no harm in telling parents about it. It has nothing to do with dating and stuff. And the sixth standard is very tender age, don’t load your thoughts with unncessary stuff.
Focus on studies and build a good relationship with parents


Come out to your parents if you know for a fact that they would understand. Some families are quite conservative which could lead to problems. But if you know that your parents will be welcoming then absolutely go for it. If this is who you are (and you do know for a fact) then tell them. Coming out has nothing to do with dating or anything. So get it off you chest, buddy!
Good luck! ✨


That’s right you are young but you can talk to an understanding friend if you want too but sooner or later parents will get to know u don’t have to think about it now


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