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Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

I’m finally at a point in life where I don’t really care that much about what other’s think of me, I don’t feel the need to meet their expectations and to be someone they can be proud of because I’ve got you, someone who’s always behind me in whatever endeavours I’m striving to achieve, someone who’s got my back, who supports me in everything I do, someone who believes in me and loves me for who I truly am. As long as I’ve got people like that everyone else doesn’t matter anymore, it does hurt me a little bit, I want the people I love to love me back in the same way I do and to be happy for me. But I understood that I can’t control that and it’s not selfish to put myself first, and if it is then being a little bit selfish is not so bad at times like these. I’m so much more at ease not having to think “oh but what would this person think?” " what did they mean by that thing they said?" " Are they mad at me? are they disappointed?" I barely have those thoughts right now, and this time I rlly hope it lasts, I hope I can maintain this kind of mentality for a bit longer than i usually do.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @selenophile111
Profile picture for Now&Me member @tattoo
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888
Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @selenophile111

selenophile11 @selenophil...

Yess. True

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tattoo

Hiba Anwar @tattoo

I really hope you do stay in this zone far more longer than you expect. Accepting stuff just the way it is will definitely help in the long run. It might not be all easy peasy but it does works wonders eventually.
I’m happy that you acknowledge it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

That’s an amazing decision! People will always have something to say no matter what you do! You do your best and do it for yourself! Just keep in mind let go of the expectations that you will be loved, valued, the same way you love and value others! That will remove most of your suffering!

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

lol maybe haha i’ve been here for quite a while and i do post often

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