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I’m feeling weird.
So backstory, this is about my best friend with whom i had a physical relationship 2 years ago. Things did not work well in that aspect and since then I’ve been in a relationship, broken up , but any case he is still my best friend and I am very much attached to him.

So now he has made a new girl-friend and they’re getting close. They I’ve pretty close so hang out all the time. I’m not scared of anything romantic happening because the girl is looking at rishthas at the moment and my friend isn’t in a position to marry right now. But I see that she has become as imp to him as i was (or am). They do all these fun things together, like we used to and I’m getting JEALOUS. I confessed this to him, he reassured me that the bond we have is diff but i really am not able to accept it. He’s been al about this girl since she came along. AND SHE WANTS TO MEET ME. THAT IS SO SO SO ANNOYING. I mean, i dot want her to be a part of his life and that’s very selfish of me but what a i even supposed to do?

Should I distance myself from him?

2 replies

That‘s a difficult position to be in. I really understand as i‘ve been in the same one before. And from experience I would say distance yourself. Firstly, because it might only get worse. If he likes the girl, for whatever reason, he‘ll continue spending time, even more and might not change and spend more time with you. Secondly, you cannot change anything about that situation. So if it hurts you to witness this, it‘s best if you take some space as hard as that will be. But I‘m sorry you‘re going through this and I really hope whatever you end up doing, that you‘ll be happy

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