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Im feeling tensed,stress because i think im in a toxic relationship.Its killing me inside and i do not know how to deal with it.It affecting my life.I distracted from all other things like study,parents,my goal and purpose of my life.

8 replies

Aashima Sharma @aashima

Dude CUT THEM OFF. Nobody needs people who’re doing no good to their growth. Please don’t let yourself get carried away. I have faced the same multiple times but trust me it’ll only drain you. Just cut them off.


How can it be happen.How i convence that or seperate with them because i do not have that courage

Aashima Sharma @aashima

First step is to realise that this is toxic. You yourself have to come to terms with the fact that this is NOT what you want and NOT what’s helping you. Once you do that…. Just communicate with the person first. Try to tell them how you’re feeling and how they’re affecting you in a way that isn’t healthy. If communication leads to some good conclusion then good otherwise… you have to take a decision for yourself and tell them straight up that you’re not gonna let them do this to you and the best thing for you now would be to cut them off. Block them on all socials, try to delete their number, don’t meet them and focus on yourself!

Aashima Sharma @aashima

There’s no hard and fast rule dear. It works differently for different people. You just have to be courageous enough to realise the negatives and take a stand against it.


Dude you gotta summon the courage. Coz if youre stuck in this relationship : you wont grown as a person and honestly that sucks more . Think of it as a decisiom you have to take so that you can live a better life. Summon uo that courage once. Only once.

Muhammad @moazzam_xhk

Okay. I will try that

That girl @white_crayon

Cut them off. It’ll be hard but worth it.


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