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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Im feeling so tired take care of my son (toddler age)alone for the past 6 months. My husband is away currently continue his study for another 4 months. And lately my child is not well and i sleep only for 3-4 hours/ day and need to wake up for work tomorrow. Im freaking tired, like want to die. I want my husband to feel what im feel but i know, he will marry again.

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We already discussed this before. And the end discussion, im the one who need to be patient. My family live quite far as need to cross a few states. But they do come to visit. And it really helps. Bless them all.


Btw, my son currently 1 year 9 months

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First of all, you need some determination. I already know you’re very determined, which is why you are able to work so hard for your family. But like everyone, you are feeling low now. You need to realise the fact that without you, your toddler will not be able to make it in this world. He needs you. Infact, your FAMILY as a whole needs you. Stop thinking about what your husband will do; that’s irrelevant. You do what is right for your kid. Nurse him back to health, keep taking him to his appointments and TAKE LEAVE FROM WORK IF YOU HAVE TO.


I do need this kind of comfort words. Thank you so much 😭


This isn’t comfort. This is motivation. Comfort makes you feel nice and cozy about yourself. This isn’t supposed to that. It’s supposed to make you GRIND.


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