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Irtija Mir @taniyameer_0

I’m feeling so damn alone…on verge of crying…can’t even sleepβ€¦πŸ˜©

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @sr12
11 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @consecrate

Abhishek @consecrate


Close your eyes , focus on breathing , total focus on inhale and exhale of air … Try this hope u il feel better

Irtija Mir @taniyameer_0


Lol trying from last 2 hrsπŸ˜‘πŸ™‚

Profile picture for Now&Me member @consecrate

Abhishek @consecrate


First understand yaa , stress , crying is just humans emotions ok and this emotions r created by ourself only , mindset is very important . u people give some time for your mental health . life is too short , too end up this one life in stress

Profile picture for Now&Me member @consecrate

Abhishek @consecrate


If u really tried to command your brain then result would be different but

Irtija Mir @taniyameer_0


Stress isn’t WHAT we bring ourselves for happiness…its what we get from others

Irtija Mir @taniyameer_0



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Santosh @sr12


Hi buddy, look at the sky and think of those massive celestial bodies out there. In addition to these 7.8 billion people, some 100 billion ants, some other 200 billion live species, β€œyou” are there taking this precious breath. And that breath is you. Hold it, feel the intensity and life in it. The loneliness will be taken out of you like the way carbon dioxide is expelled out.

It’s Natural and OK to feel this way… Infact everyone does feel this way sometime or the other.

Be YOU. and you have got a fabulous human brain that can handle this situation… Lots of positivity to you.
Crying releases stress in you. Feeling bad is absolutely ok.
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising everytime we fall.

Irtija Mir @taniyameer_0


But it isn’t easy when you’re deeply broken

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sr12

Santosh @sr12


I can understand.
When we are broken, it gets really tough to get up, gather ourselves and look at the world we used to.
Also, broken, in our perspective, has its own beauty. For example, The nature is blessed with showers of rain when the clouds bursts.


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