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One Sided LoveThought


i’m feeling so confused whether or not if this one boy likes me? i don’t know if i should give up on him or not. i need a sign

Profile picture for Now&Me member @raindrops_moon
6 replies

Ajey Raj @ajey

Who is this one guy

Profile picture for Now&Me member @raindrops_moon

Sean_75 @raindrops_moon

Hm… have you talk with him or are you guys friends? The best way is to try being friends together, so build up the courage to strike up a conversation-! If you guys were already friends, you can try to understand more about him to see if he likes you secretly too, or just simply know more about him and confess later on.


me and him are really good friends. in my opinion he’s everyone’s dream guy. he gives me hugs everyday since we are “close”

Profile picture for Now&Me member @raindrops_moon

Sean_75 @raindrops_moon

I see… that’ll be a higher chance for you then, but you’ll still have to get to know more about him before you tell him how you feel, or else you may make the friendship worst…


that’s what i want to do. i just don’t know how to approach him or start up a conversation

Profile picture for Now&Me member @raindrops_moon

Sean_75 @raindrops_moon

I would suggest by asking him how he’s doing or how is he. Another thing is that , a good way to keep in the conversation is to make longer replies than just saying answering short words like ‘yes’ and ‘no’. Ask about his siblings if he got any, or more. This way, you can ask those ‘normal’ questions and later ask him the things you wanted to know.


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