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I’m feeling sad and a feeling of anxiety is also there…this all is happening just because I coincidentally saw my ex yesterday and I can’t put that off my mind…his face is just stuck in my mind and I can’t concentrate on anything ,I’m just thinking about all that stuff that happened in the past😔😔 Please someone tell me how to cope up with this.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @almighty
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @almighty

You can’t cope with this through any magic medicine. But things might help if you unload things from your heart. Talk to me, tell everything!!


We broke up 9 months ago…I last saw him at that time…It was hard for me to move on but I tried…As time passed I thought I have moved on but after I saw him yesterday all the memories came back flooding in my mind…I can’t get them off from my mind😔😔


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