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Anger IssuesThought


i’m feeling pissed

11 replies

Who? @noneboo



family is really pissing me off on my dads side , my so call grandma must’ve called me yesterday and i didn’t see her call until today because i was sleep and she texted me on some ruthless shit and i’m pissed cause my dad is saying no matter how disrespectful she is that’s still is my grandma and i have to deal with her shit

Who? @noneboo

It’s a lot more difficult and different when your own family is pissing you off :/


yeah and i’m finna cut them off cause they’ve always been bullied me called me different names shits just so frustrating when your own parent doesn’t understand im just so pissed 😔

Who? @noneboo

They are acting really immature, it’s really sad that you can’t be safe and happy with them…


for real it is i just wish they were like my moms side of the family cause i love my mom side they’re so sweet , kind , welcoming and it’s so much negativity on my dads side hatred , shade , etc like they hate on my mom , siblings etc shit just annoying and i have to see them every year because my uncle passed and we always go up there to his grave stone

Who? @noneboo

I’m sorry to hear that
Sadly they wont change and the best thing for you is to cut connections with them if you can
You are probably a minor so it wouldnt be really possible since your dad will probably make you talk to them?
But when you get your life in your hands you will have the right to cut such people out of your life
I can just wish you everything you go through is easier for you


thank you , and yes i am but next year i turn 18 and they’re gone from my life i just blocked my “grandma” right now and i’m finding peace , snd will be blocking the rest to

Who? @noneboo

You deserve congratulations for taking one step to the victory by blocking your grandma! :D

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thank you 🙏🏾


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