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โ€บMental Healthโ€บThought


iโ€™m feeling nothing, which hurts. Itโ€™s one of those bad days, they seem to come more often than not now. I have been chronically depressed since I was 14-15 years old and I am now 20. Days like these itโ€™s hard to imagine getting through another 5-6 years of life being and thinking this way. My family and partner are incredibly supportive, but something I have discovered is that this doesnโ€™t help a lot of the time. My partner suggested I find a support group to talk to about it and I found this website. I donโ€™t know how it will go. I hope I am able to speak my thoughts and not feel judged โค๏ธ

2 replies

Hi dear,
Donโ€™t be depressed in this age because this is the perfect age
to make your future what is you are , & to do anything in life if you were depressed in this age you will do nothing in your life . So just have a look on your Carrier and do something whatโ€™s you liked or loved because we all are have only one life to do anything whatever it is good or bad just go yourself . First of all you better to make a time table to get out tha depression it means you better to give sometime for reading books & doing some exercise or meditation. It will makes you feel better to your mind donโ€™t feel lonely. Keep smiling always ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š


Iโ€™m the same way and Iโ€™m almost 39, so itโ€™s been almost 25 years of this nightmare. It gets better for a short period of time and then Iโ€™m back into darkness. Never got any help or have anyone to talk about it as I feel no one understandsโ€ฆ


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