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3am ThoughtsThought

Anna English @anna_19

I’m feeling mad and really upset because I feel like my mom hates me and mistreats me sometimes and I’m scared of her but idk what to do abt it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aidinghearts
8 replies
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Anna English @anna_19

I try to talk to my mom but she does t hear me or we just end up fighting I love her but she breaks my heart and hurts my feelings sometimes

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Anna English @anna_19

Yea that’s true maybe I’ll try that thank you for the advice

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Anna English @anna_19

Ok and thank you ☺️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aidinghearts

Zealous @aidinghearts

Cannot comment or cone up with solution unless I know you and your situation well. I mean if I say anything, without understanding you in real sense, it won’t make any sense at all.


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