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I’m feeling like I’m doing everything I’m suppose to do in order to get back on my meds and I feel like the doctors are bullshitting and I’m so overwhelmed with everything I can’t trust no one in my life and all alone and no one even understands how deep I have fallen into my own head if that makes since

2 replies

hey, listen. breathe. in and out.

life is most of the time, to put it plainly, rather stupid. it’s like a giant boulder that continues to attempt to overwhelm you with its weight–it doesn’t get lighter, you simply get better at withstanding its weight.

times like this are extremely lonely–but as the world continues to spin forward, you inevitably meet wonderful friends and companions who will be able to stand by your side and support you. those good friends and bonds are created through things like shared interests and mutual understandings.

right now, i’m sure that everything seems really dark and hopeless-but i can assure you that all things come to be with time. i, unfortunately, can’t relate with what you’re thinking due to the fact that i’m a stranger, but what i can advise you to do is to trust in yourself–trust the people around you, trust the prescriptions, and don’t lose hope. reach out to your close family and relatives, colleagues and peers, etc. sometimes the comrades and friendships you seek are closer than you think. make sure to take care of yourself–if you’re feeling really unsure about your doctors and the medication you’re taking, what i suggest is maybe seeking out some more professional advice from other experts, and perhaps speaking to a therapist as well.

try and find something to keep your mind occupied - video games, reading, writing; perhaps immerse yourself in a new hobby. i find for me, personally, that these things keep my mind off my lack of friendships as well. if you’re feeling extra stressed about anything, exercising is also a great way to remove those thoughts from your body.

i believe in you. make sure to stay safe and take care of yourself <3


Thank you


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