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sophie @lc108

I’m feeling heartbroken.
My ex and I got back together and every time he pulls me in close he pushes me away again.

I don’t believe there’s a one size fits all to the topic of revisiting a relationship with an ex but I know that for us the relationship is healthy and works.
We’ve been to his therapist who’s echoed those

And still he looks for reasons why it doesn’t work.

Probably ridiculous to type into an anonymous app but I guess that’s where this whole thing has left me.
This year he realized he had a porn addiction that he’s since started to come to terms with and cut out so I don’t know if anyone on here has experience with that.
Anyway… sending love to anyone who reads this.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_

Ricky @ricky_

Hey Sophie, sending lots of love to you too. I can see from your lines that you truly care and love him no matter what he does to you…but as your partner, he should value that. Mainly, one person should not keep suffering in a relationship…but if these are small misunderstandings, then it can be ignored. Overall, the relationship must make you feel happy. If it doesn’t, then you gotta sit with your partner and sort it out gently, softly. Regarding the porn addiction, it’s same like alcoholic and smoking addiction… except it’s not injurious to the body but the mind. Such men slowly starts treating women as objects which is sad. I hope you can make him understand this and make him come out of his addiction. There is only one way to get people out of addictions, shower them with love and raise them up but your partner must also be willing to change.

Take care 🧡


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