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Luna Vi @lunalady

I’m feeling down… I’ve got a much Younger brother who always triggers me into my older extremely abusive brother… And it’s been exhausting to deal with him, specially bc I’m mostly responsible for him, almost like his mother bc my own mother don’t have the time and the energy he requires. I try to do my best and take good care of him, be patient and loving, but sometimes he just won’t cooperate and wants to drive me crazy… And sometimes he does, then I lose my temper and yell at him as he laughs like it was his intentions all the way. Now I’m sitting here, feeling like shit and isolating myself, refusing to go to a birthday party I wanted to, bc he will be there and I want distance… What should I do about this?

4 replies

Rishabh @rish05

I think you should go, it might help you take your mind off stuff
Try and distance yourself while you’re there, but going might be good

Luna Vi @lunalady

Thank you 💕

Rishabh @rish05

Of course


Stay strong have some faith everything is gonna be alright


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