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Long Distance RelationshipThought


I’m feeling confused.

I am in a happy relationship for the past 3 years. But right now, we are into long distance. I met one guy at an event. We started meeting just to chill because I am new in the city and he is my only friend and I am introvert, I take time to make friends. Once we met at his place and after a long talk and hooked up.
I still love my boyfriend but I didn’t feel guilty about it or anything. I felt good, I don’t know why.
But from the past few days, while talking to my boyfriend I feel a bit guilty and bad. However, I wanna hook up with that guy again. I don’t know why, It’s making me feel good about myself. I don’t know, this never happened to me. Ever!
I was always into relationships, never did something like this. I am continuous, thinking about all this. What to do? I really love my boyfriend and we are really happy in our relationship. I don’t know why this is happening.
Am I a sex addict or something?
I know, I am doing something wrong. But it feels good to hook up. Something I feel I am doing something for me which is making me happy.
What to do?

11 replies

You are not being fair to your boyfriend to be honest. Confront your boyfriend and tell him that you have cheated on him. Don’t keep him in darkness. If you enjoy hooking up with this friend of yours just go on. But be honest with your boyfriend. He deserves to know the truth.


If I tell my boyfriend he will surely break up with me which I really don’t want. Because I love him so much. I just hooked up once and won’t do it again, tbh! Because I really see my future with my boyfriend.


Will you be okay if your boyfriend did the same thing to you? Just hooking up once doesn’t justify what you did. And the thing is you still want to hook up with that friend of yours so why wasting your and your boyfriends time?


Yes, you are right/
I did once and I’m not gonna do it again.
Thanks! ❤


it’s very simple lets say your boyfriend as person1 and your only friend as person2,so if you actually loved person1 you would never had feelings on person2
as simple as that, now you decide what to do😘


True. Thank you! ❤


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