Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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izna shaikh @izna

I’m depressed 💤

Profile picture for Now&Me member @notsosober
4 replies

You should not be depressed, your much more stronger. You can fight anytime and remember your not alone… you are amazing so believe in yourself and just hang on… times will change… you will be successful in whatever it is that you want to do… you can do this… I believe in you!!!

izna shaikh @izna

Thank u so much 🥰

Profile picture for Now&Me member @notsosober

xober @notsosober

i cannot tell you not to be depressed but it’s a long way to go. you can still get it your way. find things to keep you going. do some discoveries for yourself, youre a lot more than that! keep on fighter!

izna shaikh @izna

Thank u so much 💕


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