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Alisha Galuza @tiralis

I’m just so tired. I have PTSD and I’m sick of healing from what my parents did to me. It seems like every time I turn around, there’s more trauma to work through.
I don’t even have control over my own mind any more due to dissociative identity disorder.
My heart hurts. I’m tired of this pain.


Seems like there’s a lot going on in your life, right now.
Umm, I’m in no position to give you advice, but since you shared, I think the best thing right now is to take a breather. Think about things, take your time with it, and I wouldn’t exactly tell you to forget what your parents have done but take the other road. Maybe forgiveness may not be the right thing in your conscience right now but I do hope you learn to not let it affect you with your life. And a time will come for you to let go of things.
And also, about the heart thing, if it’s a physical thing, I’d suggest getting into yourself checked, otherwise, I’m confident in the fact that you will take care of yourself. :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @silent_guy123

Silent eyes @silent_guy123

What happened
Can you share ?


It’s really scary that u have lost hope in ur life.


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