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I’m at my lowest point of my life. I know I’m the one broke up with you and it was the right thing to do. I wanted you to be happy even I wasn’t a part of your life. And now that you’ve completely moved on and you’re happy with someone else, I couldn’t get over you. I know it doesn’t make sense cuz I was the one who pushed you away. I can’t even describe how I feel when I saw you with him, I wanted you to be happy but at what cost?. Does it make me a selfish person to hate the person you’re with now? I still look back at the messages you sent, and I know it wasn’t the right thing to do but it’s messing with my head. I tried to stop feeling this way, I’ve tried to kill my feelings but nothing seemed to work. I don’t want my heart to be broken, I know exactly how this is going and I don’t mind driving off the cliff if you’re the one guiding me. I don’t even know how to try, to forget you cuz you’re the one I’ve ever hoped for. Everything I’ve ever wanted. You came into my life and gave me a meaning, you wrapped my with all you’re love in your arms. I know I’ll never gonna find someone like you in this world. And I know there’s 0% chance that you’re coming back to me. You hate me for pushing you away but I just hope you’re with me.

I’m sorry this is my first post in this app. I don’t know if there’s any certain way to post or anything. Anyway this is going on my mind for a long time now.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme
Profile picture for Now&Me member @yuugen
15 replies
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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

I’m sorry for what you’re going through and I hope you’ll start to feel better soon, but reading this made me think of my ex and it felt like she wrote this and now I’m crying.
Now, I don’t know who you are but it’s gonna be okay, you were probably going through something in that moment and you’re probably not used in letting people close to you, please don’t blame yourself for this. The same happened to me too, tho I was the one that was pushed away, and it might seem like I moved on from her, I didn’t entirely. I’m not saying this to give you some false hope or anything I’m juts saying that whatever is happening right now you should probably let yourself to heal, give it time and maybe you’ll start to feel a lot better 🤍


It wasn’t in my head, what happened between me and my ex was very complicated from both sides. So no, it wasn’t just in my head

Insomniac93 @insomniac93

Don’t pay attention to messages like this…
They don’t matter…❤️


So you’re saying that I shared an apartment with no one😬I see, thanks…

Insomniac93 @insomniac93

Dude, if you have something good to say… something positive to say…or something helpful to say …then reply…
There’s no need for this person to give you any proof… there’s no need for this person to explain themselves to you…
Be kind to everyone… spread joy…

Be positive…i hope you’re doing good? What’s caused you to be this untrustworthy? This is a safe space to share.

Insomniac93 @insomniac93

Hi, i am so sorry you’re going through this. I know these words are going to give you little comfort, so all i can say is…trust your instinct…trust your gut…
You took this decision because it’s what’s best for you and her…
Trust that you’re doing the right thing…
Accept what has happened…and move on…
And the only way out…is through…go through your emotions…it will take time…but you will get better…you will feel better…
You will find love again…
Until then…all i can say is… you’re okay…you’re doing great…and you’re amazing!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yuugen

MK @yuugen

Honestly I’m confused. She’s happy now without me and that’s what I wanted but If I talk to her now, express my feelings it’ll make her feel sad for me. Things won’t change. I want to be with her but at the same time I don’t want to hurt her.

Insomniac93 @insomniac93

I understand ❤️ I’m sorry…
Love is a terrible f’ed up thing…

You’ll eventually move on. If you reach out to her… you’ll be hurting three people here… including yourself…and the whole point of staying away would be mute…

Is there a way you can completely cut her off of your life? Distract yourself? Think of something like that…


Ohhh damn !!! Good job guy.
U’r strong on doing that , don’t blame yourself just try to move on and for stop overthinking then do something what makes u happy.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

hey fren! we think talking to an expert might help you. we have an expert feature here on now&me where u can speak to an expert and gain new perspective as well as effective solutions to ur situation. do give it a try. we think u will like it ✨🤍


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