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I’m an introvert. I don’t like meeting new people or rather I don’t have the courage to do so. Sometimes it feels that the world around me moves too fast and i’m born in the wrong generation. People my age already have dated casually and are now moving to serious ones. However here I’ve never even dated someone ever. I was too afraid before and now when I want to I don’t think I can find one. I’m too reserved, and my idea of love and dating seems old school to most. It’s been like 2-3 years since I always feel lonely. Looks like I might be moving forward in my career someday but not my love life ever and someday my parents would just pressurize me to get married.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @littlelord125
Profile picture for Now&Me member @thesadblackunicorn
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @littlelord125

SOMETHING @littlelord125

Hey I am introvert too don’t feel bad about this people like us are just unique

Profile picture for Now&Me member @thesadblackunicorn

Hey there beautiful soul! It’s okay if you don’t want to meet new people but you do need to work on that courage matter but i can see that you are trying which is absolutely amazing.😄 I actually agree with you on the thought that we were born in the wrong generation and that the world IS moving quite fast!!! It’s okay, what people do, how many they have dated, whether they have dated or not… it doesn’t matter if you don’t let it affect you. I don’t think your idea of dating is old school or something, it’s okay to be serious about the person you love, or if you want to meet that “one right” person and spend the rest of your life with them!! You are very mature on this matter i must say, people now a days don’t really take things in their life seriously anymore which is sad actually. You feel the emotions very deeply and understand it’s depth. And i think it’s incredible. Don’t force yourself for anything, don’t let others force you into doing something you don’t like. Wait patiently, the person you like will eventually come into your in the most unexpected way!!!
And please don’t worry about something that hasn’t even happened… parents are bound to be like that, if you don’t want to marry then tell them bravely, i am sure they will understand.
I hope you find the right person soon!!!
Till then adios!!!💜


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