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Profile picture for Now&Me member @chiefskipprevmg

Ekong Elisha @chiefskippre...

I’m an entrepreneur with my career about to crash due to depression, I own an entertainment brand called REVMG on all music platforms, but i got robbed of my laptops and all my gadgets just feeling sick and all.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chiefskipprevmg
4 replies

Hey so sorry for what happened!
Hope you get the strength to go through this tough time.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chiefskipprevmg

Ekong Elisha @chiefskippre...

I’m in deep shit, where do i start from!?


Hope for you to be alright and deal with it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chiefskipprevmg

Ekong Elisha @chiefskippre...

Hoping for a miracle


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