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Emotional AbuseThought

Mona Ree @monaree

I’m always thinking of others when no one thinking of me😔

10 replies
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Mona Ree @monaree

I guess so

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Mona Ree @monaree

I agree


Make sure you take care of yourself first. No one is meant to take care of another person, unless it’s their child.

Mona Ree @monaree

I agree


I can relate in a way… Some one once told me that you’d have to cultivate friends rather than bend yourself… Maybe this is a sign for you to put your needs first in a way…

Mona Ree @monaree

Most definitely


You thought this . So that means you are selfish . 🤔 otherwise you wouldn’t have pointed that out .

Mona Ree @monaree

Don’t be dumb to the fact of how a person treats you…you must be one of those people!!!


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