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I’m a stay at home mom currently until I’m able to get my license. Long story short my father never wanted to teach and now my husband has to teach me. I’ll be 20 in January. Anyways my husband does not understand how hard it is to not be able to go out and to have to stay in all day taking care of our son. I am a full time online student and today I had 5 assignments due today and I was stressed out to with my son because he was fussy and I had an assignment that was acting up. I just finished my last assignment. Before I finished it my son needed to go to bed and my husband asking if we were going to bed and I said yes but I’m not ready because I have a lot to do still. So he waited until the last minute to say he was going to bed and I asked if he was going to take our son and he said no because he can’t put him to sleep. Well I said it’s because you never tried. Tbh I don’t think he’s really been there for our son. It hurts to say it to because he pays for everything since I don’t work but I feel like I do everything. I clean the house. I cook. I change and bathe our son. And I make sure we are saving money. And I am a student and I make the appointments and I do the laundry. And I please everyone because if I don’t they ask what wrong with me. I really want to know who’s in the wrong my husband questioning me why it take the whole day to do hw or me the one doing everything in the house so he can come home and relax.

1 reply

OK, sorry if I’m not much help, I’m just a teenager! First off, Happy Birthday!!! Idk you but I believe in you, you can get through this, you’re clearly amazingly strong just for being able to handle the assignments, let alone a husband and kid and housework! Maybe take some time off from everything if you can, like just go on holidays for a week and ask your husband to babysit. Your kid should be both of your responsibility, not just yours. Also, your husband can do some of the housework himself! If you’re both busy, you should both do the housework, or like take a day each you know? Anyway, sorry if that isn’t helpful!!


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