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3am ThoughtsThought


I’m a girl.I have been sidelined for my looks both by my family and friends…
People have commented on my looks because as they say,I look like my granny who isn’t that good looking.One person has said that my nose was too huge and long…on my face.My face is big with dark circles.My nose is big.But I don’t get it.Being born like that,is that a sin? For one point of time I started hating myself so badly that I had to force myself to love myself so harder on which I’m working even now.I know my looks aren’t pleasant.And I really don’t understand what to do about that sometimes.I’m short too…why do people objectify? If they are good looking that doesn’t mean that they can comment on others and hurt their feelings…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kskarthik
Profile picture for Now&Me member @preetieee
10 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kskarthik

Swotter @kskarthik

It shows their insecurity, and their cowardice. For them it’s looks but they miss the real you. It’s their loss not yours. You be yourself and make the best you can and njoi the best you can. Love ❤️


Okay…thanks a lot…😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @preetieee

Preeti @preetieee

Hey same here but trust me people’s opinion don’t matter your confidence does! Just be confident in yourself don’t let them look down on you if they say something just say something back on there face and don’t take things they say to heart at the end of the day all you got is yourself it’s u vs everyone else so keep fighting for yourself and keep loving yourself


Okay…thanks a lot😊


I believe that God made everyone beautiful, it just depends who sees it and who doesn’t.
You might not be attractive to them but to someone else you’re captivating.
So don’t let the words of those who cannot see your beauty bring you down, you’re beautiful inside and out.


Thank you…thanks a lot for your words…
I really feel relieved now🤗😊


You’re welcome and I was speaking from personal experience and what I’ve learnt throughout.

Quick story time:
Couple years back I use to have a crush on this dude and he didn’t feel the same way and I actually don’t know how he found out I liked him, but he did. Anyway he was really rude about it and he called me ugly and disgusting numerous times and yes it hurt and I was crushed I even believed it at some point.

Any way took years to get over him and I did. I go to these young adults gathering where we’re taught about life. And I met this guy and he kept on looking at me and he told me and I still remember this ‘you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen’ and my heart just burst. I was really shocked. And mind you he wasn’t one of those nice guys more of the I don’t care attitude.


Sorry about the first part…
Yeah…from your story I realised that it’s all about how people see you…damn true…
Thanks a lot




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