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I’m a dropper for NEET and have exam on 17th. I’m feeling really depressed and getting panic attacks frequently. My parents expect me to pass with flying colors and has lot of expectations from me. I’ve expectations from myself as well. My preparations isn’t so well and I will not qualify this year. My friends are all in private engineering colleges living their best life. Will graduate and have a job before me in coming few years. Feels like I’m left behind. I’m cursing myself since I dropped maths in 11th. Had I taken maths I could have gone for engineering (I do have a knack for computer science). I just feel lost and depressed, so many expectations, my batchmates asking what I’m doing currently. I really want (ed) to become a doctor (a childhood dream which was persistent through out my teenage years), but now I’m not sure whether the envy towards my friends is just for the moment or not or is ot really that I’m losing my passion. I just want to go back to 11th and start journey afresh. This isn’t possible. I’m feeling depressed mainly due to the fact that I’ll let down my family and myself. I just want tips to get rid of the negative thinking.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @theunicorn
4 replies

Hey! I’m a dropper as well. Dw you’ll get what you deserve. Tbh I’ll suggest you think practical rn, I mean there’s no benefit in regretting your past decisions rn right? It’ll just give you stress. Just focus on what’s coming now! All the best!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @theunicorn

Koko @theunicorn

I may not understand what you might be going through but i have gone through something similar and i can feel how much you’re stressed right now. If you wanna discuss more about it we can surely do that and i am sending you much much love and power to you !!! I believe in you not only of you passing exam but also i know you will be handling yourself mentally too very well in coming days too and dude you’re such a strong person !! Ofcourse you didn’t deserved situations like this and i am really sorry that you had to go through it and sending you warm hugs !! 🤗 ❤️🥺😇💫🫂


Hey please don’t be like that. I know what exactly you are feeling but predicting already about what will happen in future is not what u should do rn. It’ll be better if u put work on your studies now. I know it’s late but there’s still hope.Without thinking about future u need to focus on yourself and your studies rn.


And even if u didn’t pass the exam it’s not like u can’t do anything. Your parents loves u more than anything. They will understand u. Don’t put pressure on yourself. Don’t exhaust yourself with your thoughts. Try to go on a peaceful walk and start your studies with positive vibes. If your anxiety gets high again just stop doing everything whatever you doing then. Take deep breath. Go to your parents and ask help from them. And if you want to talk about something, I’m here.


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