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I’m a 32 year old male, I had a girlfriend she was 5 years younger to me but this was a LDR. I’m extremely sad ever since she broke up with me I miss her presence every day but it was my fault I tried to apologize but damage is too big I’m hopeless right now

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nirmay_chaudhry
Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhavna_pande
18 replies

I am still not over Meredith. 


Bro 🙂


Then don’t repeat this mistake again with new person


I want her only somehow


Why did you guys break up?


I was kind of two timing but it was not intentional


It’s always intentional… and you know it.


It was not my ex girlfriend was suffering due to her parents seperation I was trying to be good person


Hmm… so you were just being a good friend to her or more than that… why’d you call it a two timing if it was not? And the basic rule is just to be honest… may be you should have your current gf tell this before doing it… i can assume that she didn’t know anything about it that’s why it happened.

And if you were just being a good friend to your ex and nothing more than that… then try to talk to your current gf… you can fix it.
But if you ll involved otherwise than I don’t think broken trust can be fixed now


You were*

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nirmay_chaudhry

Nirmay C. @nirmay_chaudhry

I am really sorry to hear about that but we can always talk about this concern of yours and have it in detail. So,that this issue doesn’t get piled up for future. You can find me on the app and book a session or even have a quick chat 😊


Dude, I don’t want to compare ourselves but I had a girl who I was supposed to marry, 2.5 years in LDR but things didn’t go well and she had to leave and I completely respect her opinion. She was the love of my life. Everyday I miss her, I do cry at times and I’ve shifted to a different country. I’ve just met her twice in my life buddy. Yes I absolutely miss her and love her but I get up everyday and regardless of my feelings push hard and make myself a better person…
Now I’m not telling you to ignore your feelings, you’re a human… put that pain into work. Go to the gym, work hard on yourself, work hard on the job, improve anything and everything.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhavna_pande

Bhavna P. @bhavna_pande

Long Distance Relationships are complicated and difficult to manage. It’s important to know the background, history and situation. Any generic standard solution won’t work. If you would like, we can connect over a chat to discuss this further.

Counseling Psychologist Bhavna Pande


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