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I’m a 18 yr old lesbian and i want to come to to my parents my younger brother already knows but i want my parents to know any suggestions?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
13 replies

Hey Anon! Just reach out to them, look for the right time to talk and express yourself fully. It may not be that easy and parents might not be so accepting of it instantly, but u stand your ground and hopefully they’ll understand! Best wishes✨


Thank you ❤️ but I think I’ll be kicked out of my house 🤣


Well, maybe. But the thing you’re standing up to is something really really important…and u should (and ofc will) do and go through whatever to be your real self!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

You know, it’s best to come and be tension-free.
You have your brother as a backup.

And, if you’re from India, you know how everything is. It’ll take time but they have no other choice as well. If not India, I can’t speak, haha.

Maybe before that have some kind of indirect conversation asking what if you find me a Lesbian or what are their views on such people? You’ll get a fair idea about it. 🌈💯


Yeah I’m from India
And I’m a lesbian too😅💖
So I support it from my whole heart😂

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

I mean your parents’ views and how do they take it as.


I haven’t came out yet to them i told my younger brother and he was Normal ki okay that’s fine
But i think if I’ll tell my parents I’ll be kicked out of the house🤣

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

They will not. You are their child.

It’s a choice you need to make. Either don’t speak at all or just go ahead.


I want to but I’m afraid 🙁

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

We’ll are afraid in life for things that matter to us. But do we have an option but to confront? We have one to hide/run away from.
If that’s what you want, don’t disclose for the time being but talk to them about how they take or consider people being one. 🌈


hey there
ok so you mentioned that your parents may kick you out of the house if they find out about your sexuality but when it comes to this you should always prioritize yourself. Trust me I know what it feels like to be closeted but you said you are 18 so I’m guessing you aren’t financially stable enough to support yourself if you ever kicked out, my suggestion would be wait a few years at least until you are independent and then as and when you are comfortable you can come out.
But regardless whatever you choose I am proud of you and hope that the people who literally brought you into this world will be more excepting of you.


Yeahhh i thought the same once i get financially stable i would vome out


I wish you all of the best in life :)


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