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Iā€™m a 17 year old teen girl. My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years, at first he used to care about my feelings, was always there for me and loved me, he would say that he will never leave me, that weā€™ll be together forever. We used to share each and everything with each other starting from our secrets to how we spent the day. I belong from an upper middle class family, my parents are traditional thinkers and theyā€™re quite strict, they donā€™t want me to be in a relationship at such an young age and they always tell me that first Iā€™ll have to be independent(successful) and then I can choose my life partner by myself. So when my bf told me all these things I thought that he was the one(still do) and we even got physically intimate, I Ioved him(still do) and trusted him with all my mind and heart and kept our relation a secret from my parents. Iā€™m a board candidate(class12) as well as my bf. From past 5 months heā€™s completely changed as though there was nothing between us and when I asked him what was wrong, he told me heā€™s having family issues, that his family business hasnā€™t been going well due to the covid situation and told me that he needed sometime to be normal(tension free) again and I was okay with that, but then he started humiliating me infront of my friends and told me that he is not interested in me anymore that it wonā€™t matter if I was there in his life or not but after some days he would again tell me that he loves me that he was sorry for saying all those things but then again he would treat me like that and again he would say sorry and I used to forgive him thinking that everything will be alright and then we would get intimate after that he used to tell me that he wonā€™t leave me. But from last 1 month heā€™s behaving like he doesnā€™t care about me at all. With everything in my mind I canā€™t help myself but cry every single day and overthink I feel like iā€™m losing interest in the things i liked to do(hobbies) and also not being able to study properly, all I think about is him and our situation and itā€™s effecting my health and I have a cardiac health problem although doctor said that I am fine now but he told my parents that I shouldnā€™t take any kind of pressure as it could be life-threatening, he even knows about these things yet now heā€™s telling me that he cannot promise to be with me forever or be the way he used to be but heā€™ll be in a relationship with me. His family problem is not over yet thatā€™s why I still think that everything will be alright with time. I donā€™t know what to do, should I be with him? and even if iā€™m not I feel like I wonā€™t be able to get over him.
Please give me some advice. Thank you.

3 replies

So itā€™s already ā€¦
And even your parents are right that choose ur life partner once u r independent
And just remember
Nothing is permanent
Nor things nor the people
At the end you be with urself
If you love ur bf still then be In a relationship but at the same the time make a mind that no one is going to be there foreverā€¦
Go with the flow
Also concentrate on urself too
Self love is the first priority
And ā€¦
Donā€™t worry ā€¦live in the present


Hey girlšŸ’
I dont think he is good guy for you,he used you (sorry if my words hurt you) but trust i know this type of guy and most of boys doing same thing so try to move on. If you need any help then u am here to help you.


its a toxic relationship so you should let him go. and as you are in 12th you should focus on your career after that everything will be fine and hope you will meet the guy who will always love you deeply from his heart


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