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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Meenakshi Shah @sherry_min...

I’m 30 years old now. I turned 30 in August and I am so damn confused. I look back at my early 20s and feel like I was much more optimistic and excited about my life. Nowadays I am too tired. Every relationship feels like a cycle that I just haven’t been able to break. Somehow I’m always the bad guy. Breaks my heart to say that I’ve become bitter. While I keep taking up courses to have a better career, I completely lack focus. And worst of all I started smoking up at 26 and smoking cigarettes at 29. While I quit the green stuff, I am having a hard time giving up cigarettes. I’m afraid I’ll become dead inside. My friends try to justify saying that I feel shitty because I have not been focusing on my health and I have not been eating right and smoking affects my mood and I should start going to the gym routine again, but frankly, I hate the gym and I have no intentions of going back there. Just thinking about exercise makes me feel tired. Slacking at work as well - some days are great and my bosses appreciate. Other days, I’m making too many mistakes and I am scared I’ll be fired for some huge screwup someday. While I have amazing friends, I feel like I have no one to talk to about my day. And because I’m overly sensitive, if my friends say something, I feel like my friends don’t like/accept me and it makes me feel completely alone in all of this. Of course, this was not an issue in 20s but lately, every comment gets me overthinking about who’s really there and who is not. In other words, I am not feeling connected to anyone. If you’ve been through this and come to the other side, please let me know what worked for you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kabirdev
Profile picture for Now&Me member @suhas_g
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pushkar254
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lostman
20 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kabirdev

No worries friend life is the game that teach us on every presents of our life.
Dm me i will make your life easy.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kabirdev

See its not always thah relstion ship should be there we came alone in this world and going to alone.
So do what you like.
It will help us with mind diversions.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @suhas_g

suhas @suhas_g


I could say u just do this
Exercise regularly. Exercising regularly is one of the best things you can do for your mental health. …

Cut back on social media time
Build strong relationships
Minimize your daily choices
Reduce stress.
Maintain your treatment plan.
et plenty of sleep. …
Stay away from toxic people

And if u need a friend i am available πŸ˜‰

Meenakshi Shah @sherry_min...


I uninstalled Instagram yesterday because of all the mindless scrolling I was into. But cutting down stress is rather difficult to do. Got EMIs to keep up with. Also, I hate exercise. I’m just plain lazy sometimes and other times I have a hard time disconnecting from work. Got ideas? :)

Meenakshi Shah @sherry_min...



Profile picture for Now&Me member @pushkar254

Pushkar @pushkar254


There are solutions available for your problems

Meenakshi Shah @sherry_min...


Yes, I’m sure there are. That’s what I’m trying to figure :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pushkar254

Pushkar @pushkar254


You can connect with me if you want may be i will able to help to heal

Sidhu @mikey12


Change ur daily routine n do some productive which u like the most

Meenakshi Shah @sherry_min...


Thanks! I struggle with maintaining a routine. I can’t get to bed on time nor do I wake on time. Fixing it slowly. Yet somehow I show up to work at 9.30 AM. It’s like if it’s not tied to my job, I have a hard time doing it πŸ˜…

Sidhu @mikey12


If you’re not sleeping on time means something is bothering u.First try to know what it is n try to fix it asap.

Meenakshi Shah @sherry_min...


Lol just living like a zombie. Pardon me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lostman

Satish k @lostman


Hey, can understand it well except I m free all time and many things going thru mind. Lost job bcoz of some reason and now I smoke and drink too. Most of my days r boring n worthless but few I try to learn something but still I m stuck. Though I try to go for walk if possible for me to go every evening or after dinner. Smoking is something u have to find alternative and don’t purchase packets instead resist ur self on one or two.

Meenakshi Shah @sherry_min...


Sorry to hear that you lost your job.

I am considering quitting cold turkey maybe with some nicotine patches.

All the best to you. Hope you figure your way out.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lostman

Satish k @lostman


Thanks for concern . I m trying to figure it out but getting stuck again n again. So now I stopped thinking too much and decided to accept whatever fate will decide. I will just try.
Yes u can go cold turkey just u have to cntrol craving for few days. All the best for that

Meenakshi Shah @sherry_min...


Thanks! I know a few recruiters in Ahmedabad. You just gotta send me your CV. I’ll be happy to help. (i.e. if you’re in Ahmedabad or open to relocating here and are open to BPO jobs)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lostman

Satish k @lostman


Thanks. So nice of u to offer help but my job issue r little complicated. Can’t explain on open platform or otherwise. Though basically I m from ahmdabad only but curently not residing in ahmedabad. I will akd my bro if he is interested in bpo job though he is looking for data science job. Thank you again ☺☺


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