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Introvert @lonelyguy1998

Im 23old I love my mom so much and also my dad, but im getting angry always on them im hating myself , i have seeing them they always fights and scold at each other i used to see them, they love each other but they there is nk understanding between them, my mom not like my dad thoughts and he also , i tolerant them and control they fights and behaviour, but now iam shouting at them, its unlike my behavior im hating myself, my love them so much but they not quitted fights between i have send so many times both of them about this but they never listen to me, if one should stop the fight will be stopped know i have send this so many times, they verbal abuse each other not that extreme, they not fights and argues very much but everyday they argues so much im hating it im going through bad phase of my life , im not able to control my emotions and im scolding at them.

I have so much to tell to my dad but he never listen to us he always anger, and behaves like child no tension no worries, in my 23years life he never asked me how your studies going and its everything good, he cares for me but he never talks to me nicely, how much we can tell to my mother , my friend all drinks and smoke , once i send my mom about this she never give permission to met my friends and go with friends, later i never tell my mother about my daily activities, i seems to be happy outside but im not happy inside.

Im hating myself , i shouting at my parents , how can i scold them not able to control my tongue and emotional help me,

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